Sunday, 30 January 2011

Facebook Free

My name is Andrea I am a Facebookaolic I have been clean now for 24 hours.
Yes I have temporarily deactivated my Facebook account. I spend far too much time on there playing daft games when I could be working on my photos, reading a book or writing a story - so for this week I am going to be totally free of Facebook.
I will probably reactivate my account next week when I go back to work but I didn't want to spend my entire week off on there. I want to go out and take photos, do lunch with friends, go ice skating, work on my stories and get my photos sorted - all of this comes to a grinding halt when I am on Facebook.
So wish me luck - I've managed without it when I have been on holiday abroad - so I can manage now.
Let's see how long I can last.
Social Life here I come

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Books books books

I walked into Newport today to buy a specific magazine - once I had bought it I thought 'I've got some vouchers I'll buy a book from the bookshop - but once I went in there I couldn't make up my mind what to get - biography, history, fantasy, classic, play, thriller - the choice was too much for a bookworm with only £15 to spend. So I left empty handed - I'm not disappointed as I still have quite a few books here to read - and with more vouchers to come soon - I know I will end up buying some new books shortly. Although due to lack of space in my flat I am for the first time considering e-books as they take up less space and I am thinking on investing in a Kindle, but I do like the real thing - to hold in my hand, feel the texture of the pages and the new or old book smell - that frankly only books can smell of.
Oh how I wish I had an English degree so I could be a Librarian - working in a library sounds like heaven to me!

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Year New Blog

Yes you heard it right - it's a new year - well we're only a week into said year, a new blog - yes to compliment my other two blogs Travels With My Camera and The Marilyn Room. Obviously The Marilyn Room is dedicated to my obsession to all things Marilyn, Travels With My Camera is my photography blog, but what if I want to just chat aimlessly about things that don't fall into either of these two categories, hence the creation of Flapdoodle. And yes Flapdoodle is a real word if you don't know what it means go look it up - lol.
So here it is,a friend of mine Elle, who has the blog The Seventh Circle of Elle suggested I do a personal blog, but at the time a few months ago I thought 'Who's going to be interested?' and the truth is I'm still wondering that.
Also I'm not good at this layout stuff, I don't know what they mean by Gadgets on a blog - something I need to learn.
Anyway over at The Seventh Circle of Elle, Elle said that in 2010 she had read 110 books and that started me thinking I wonder how many books I read last year? I don't know, more than Elle or less? I read a lot and am called a bookworm by my boyfriend, so it's possible that it's more than 110 but I don't know I've never kept a record. So this year I'm going to keep tally - easy as its the beginning of the year - so far it's 1 and that was a Marilyn book - Murder by Consent.
So anyway I'm going to sign off for now before I start rambling on to another subject - see that's my problem I get distracted and my mind will jump quickly to another subject. I'll probably be back later with some more ramblings about more flapdoodle (see I said it was a word) or maybe not I will see how I feel this afternoon