Sunday, 29 July 2012

From the Olympics to Marilyn

Well the Olympics are well and truly underway and I must say that I really enjoyed the opening ceremony a big thumbs up to Danny Boyle and everyone who participated in it

However, we are of course close to August 4th/5th and the 50th anniversary of the death of my heroine Marilyn Monroe, I'm sure by the end of august you will be sick of hearing about Marilyn on this blog, so I promise to post about other things as well

Marilyn's grave, hundreds of fans will gather next weekend in Westwood to take place in the memorial for the most wonderful legend, sadly I will not be there with them. However, I am declaring August Marilyn Month in my house and will mark the anniversary by watching her or reading about her and then posting every day.
So August is 31 days of Marilyn!

Bring it on!!!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

When good people - get hurt.....

Because someone is too lazy or ignorant to read an article properly I get really angry, especially when that person is one of the most respected authorities on Marilyn Monroe and a good friend of mine.
This all began yesterday when one of the UK's biggest daily tabloids published an article claiming that Marilyn Monroe was, if not a complete Lesbian, then at least at least bi-sexual, now to me what Marilyn did in bed is between her and the other party and frankly not that big a deal in today's society. However, in the article the person who 'wrote' it mentioned Michelle and her book Marilyn Monroe - Private and Undisclosed, nothing wrong with that you may say and no not at all, however it is my belief that the author of the article who shall remain nameless as I don't want to give him or the paper any free publicity, only mentioned Michelle's book and the fact that she acknowledges in the book that he met Marilyn once - to give his claim some legitimacy - however I will be honest after reading Michelle's book I can't even  remember him being mentioned - that's how unimportant he is the the grand scheme of things.

However, things have now snowballed out of control and Michelle is getting the brunt of it. Firstly people who saw her name in the article assumed she's written it and attacked her on the papers website. Then suddenly she had an affair with Marilyn and all the other women mentioned in the article even though she wasn't born until way after Marilyn's death. This frankly is not acceptable as it is upsetting her family.
A blog on Blogger called Speak Your Mind is the latest to attack Michelle - again because the authors (and I use the term loosely) of said blog could not be bothered to get their facts right. And no you won't find a link to that blog here - although you will find a link to Michelle's blog by clicking HERE

Anyway if anyone out there wants to know the truth about Marilyn Monroe - I suggest you read Michelle's book - it's the best on the market - of course the press aren't interested in doing an article about it because it actually tells the truth and the press of course have never been interested in telling the truth.

Rant over

Friday, 20 July 2012

I'm back

Yes it's been a long time but you know these things happen,.briefly I dabbled with another blog but decided I didn't like it and thought I'd come back home to Flapdoodle, because let's face it - it's all flapdoodle any way.

Lots of things have happened since I last posted, met a fella I will introduce him soon, and he is moving in with me - I am still at the lovely house I moved into last year, but for how much longer I'm not sure as the fella works in Cardiff - so it could mean that Flapdoodle ups sticks and moves to the big city sometime in the near future - I will let you know when I know.

The weather has been terrible in the UK this summer something to do with the Gulf Stream not being in the right place, however it appears that the stream is now moving in the right direction and we should start to have some nice weather. I hope so, got a week booked off work in August and would like to get out and about.

Not many new photos over on the photoblog because of said weather, but again I hope that's something that will change now the weather appears to be better. There are some good shots from this year and if you fancy a look click HERE

Any way that's enough Flapdoodle for now, got to go food shopping as the fella is coming over tonight and I need to stock up on bread as he is a monster for it lol.
