Monday, 4 February 2013

Finding Richard

Just finished watching the Channel 4 documentary - Richard II The King in the Car Park. Fascinating story of the search for the remains of the King and how they found him in a Leicester car park.
Improbable though it may seem, sometimes some things are meant to happen.
Maybe now the history books will be re-written minus all of the Tudor propaganda - There is no, and never wan any evidence that Richard was a tyrant, or that he murdered his nephews. These stories were created by a family who had no legitimate cl\aim to the throne, and became 'fact' thanks to Shakespeare.

I have always maintained there are 3 sides to every story. The Tudor side, Richard's side and the truth which most likely will fall somewhere in between.

It's one of those things I will always remember - the day they announced they had found the last Plantaganent.

For everything you need to know about Richard III visit the Richard III Society's page by clicking HERE

And remember if you still believe he was an evil villain - History is written by the victors - Richard's reputation never stood a chance against the world's greatest playwright