Sunday, 17 April 2011

Clothes, Shoes and Lazyness

OK I love clothes, as far as I'm concerned you - meaning I, can't have enough of them - in fact I have two wardrobes and countless drawers, bags and suitcases full - clothes I wear (wardrobe and drawers) clothes that are too small - yes once I was a size 12 (sigh) (in bin bag and suitcases) and clothes that are too big for me - once I was a size 20 - (in bin bags) - now I have settled into a 16/18 size and frankly I hate it yet I'm lucky in that the fat doesn't sit in once place but has evenly distributed itself all over my body - but still shopping at River Island is not going to happen to me again (saying that I don't need to shop in the bigger stores like Evans either) but tend to stick with George at Asda, New Look and Primark.
But for all the lovely clothes I have a very seldom wear them - why - because I am too lazy to get up early in the morning, style my hair, put on make up and wear nice clothes - to work at the moment it's flat shoes black trousers and a work polo shirt - Lazy you see. And when I'm at home or just wandering around the shops I wearing joggers and a T-shirt - comfy but not exactly sexy. I only really dress up for parties and dates with my fab boyfriend.
Something has to give especially now I have discovered Amber and the wonderful Shoeperwoman site - she has inspired me to start making an effort - I used to when I was in college I would always go in looking like I'd stepped out of a photo shoot - well for the first year at least

And of course if I started making an effort again I can wear some of the wonderful shoes I have bought over the last few years - I have lots of shoes - the photo below is only a small selection. And I am ashamed to say that two pairs in said photo I have never even worn (yes I have virgin shoes). But I intend to change by George at Asda I will change. With Amber to guide me I intend to go back to being the sexy, confident person I was before.
(Also with help from my friend Alex who is amazing with a pair of tweezers and eyebrows that appear to have a life of their own)
I am going to a party next weekend - my friends engagement party - I will be there having fun, taking official engagement pictures (This is gonna be bigger that William and Kate) and I will be looking damn sexy - all I need is a gorgeous bag to match my red dress and sparkly shoes - hmm ebay hereI come - or maybe I will just pop into town.

1 comment:

  1. Love those red shoes! I read this and know EXACTLY how you feel! I don't make the effort either - well I usually wear makeup (have very low self esteem but therapy is helping :D) and have some gorgeous clothes and shoes but can just never be bothered in the morning! All the time I wish I did more with my hair, clothes etc but in reality, I just don't. May join you on this one!
