You remember a while back I cleared out my make-up drawer? Well that was the first part in my major clear out and decluttering the flat mood that I am currently in. See the problem is that I am a hoarder, this is true I am not ashamed of the fact - I have clothes I haven't worn in 10 years or more - books that haven't been read for the same amount of time and lots lots more.
The problem is that I am very sentimental I should have underlined the very.
Andy today I needed to get my suitcase out of the shed (hols soon), yes I have a shed and as you can see it totally full of well - crap I guess
But the problem doesn't end there does it Andrea??? Oh no in my kitchen I have a cupboard full of DVDs, Playstation Games and Video Cassettes - oh yes videos those old hulking things we used to watch before someone had the good sense to invent DVD and blue-ray. And guess what I never watch them. Not because they are videos but because it means pulling the TV out to swap the cables around, and well I'm just too lazy - but can I throw the tapes out - no! and why not? Because I might want to watch it in the future! Now I hear you cry why don't you replace them with new DVD versions, and I would love to but a) I am not made of money if I ever win the lottery that would be a different story and b) because a lot of the films I have on video are only available on DVD in America - yes I know I could get a multi-region DVD player and once I sort out a new job and get on top of everything I will definitely do that, but until then I can't bear the thought of throwing away all those old movies it took me years to find.
Perhaps if I play the cassettes and the quality is bad I would be able to chuck them - hmmmm classic Hollywood Movie Fest anyone????
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