Sunday, 13 November 2011

Nancy Drew and the case of the missing camera....

Okay not so much Nancy Drew as well, yours, truly. Ever since I moved house in August my compact camera has been MIA - don't know where it is - I know I packed it in a box - along with everything else that was just sitting happily on the coffee table, but which box I don't know - truth is I've been through pretty much all the boxes and I can't find it.

Oh my I've just had a dreadful thought - what if it's gone on holiday with out me????

I'm here in Wales slaving away at my 9-5 desperately saving pennies to buy said compact camera a new battery and it's off jetting around the world with out me!

You would think in the 3 months it's been away it would at least have the decency to at least send me a postcard - but oh no Nothing! Nada! Zip!

What if it falls in love with a new camera case while it's on holiday and never comes home?? It's old case will be heartbroken - truth is the old case has been looking the worse for wear since it jumped in the mud at the Celtic Blue Rock festival 3 years ago, but it's been so loyal. And now it's pining away.

So all I can say is if you are out there reading this, my little Canon Ixus - please come home, we miss you so much, or just call and let us know that you are well.

Oh and if you're anywhere really nice - bring me back a fridge magnet!

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