BOOOOOKKKKKKSSSSS- As you can see from the picture above at hte moment I have plenty to read - oh yes - and these ones are from the library.
You see Risca has a new library, housed in the old Palace Cinema all I can say is Risca Library is OMG Lush. If you could be in love with a Library then I would be in love with Risca Library it is simply stunning.
And you can take out 10 books at a time - sigh heaven.
Now I want to read these so I can go and sit in the lovely library yes I think I will go in on a day off and just sit there and read, it so stunning - I wish I had a photo of it.
Ah well I'm off to read some of these babies - even though they don't have to be back until the 3rd Jan I'm pretty sure I will be finding myself in the library again very shortly..
I wish I worked in the library
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Saturday, 3 December 2011
My Week With Marilyn
On Wednesday I went to the cinema to see Michelle Williams play Marilyn Monroe in the film My Week With Marilyn. First of all the film is based on the books The Prince the Showgirl and me and My Week With Marilyn, both written by the man who was the 3rd assisstant director on the film, Colin Clark. And secondly those fans of have read both books agree that Prince, Showgirl and Me was an interesting look at working with Marilyn on the set, and the 2nd MWWM is generally thought to be Colin's fantasy.
Anyway onto the movie.

Firstly I have to say after having seen so many bad depictions of Marilyn I wasn't expecting much from this, especially as it was based on the fictional romance that Colin and Marilyn had during the filming of TPATS, and perhaps because I didn't expect much from the film maybe that's why I was able to enjoy the experience.
Although, I don't agree or believe in the romance, the rest of the portrayal of Marilyn was okay. I thought Michelle Williams did as well as can be expected, as capturing Monroe's magic is nigh on impossible. I loved the scene when MM was in the bathtub and Colin walked in thought it was very reminiscent of MM in the bath tub in The Seven Year itch, as well as the pool photos by Milton Greene and the pool scene in Something's Got to Give.
The problems with the film for me were watching Michelle acting Marilyn acting Elsie Marina - although the sets and costumes were very well replicated, Michelle's Marilyn as Elsie was very stilted unlike the real Marilyn's performance. But the worse part of the film was the character assassination of the wonderful Milton H. Greene, Marilyn's friend, business partner and undoubtedly her best photographer. From what I know of Milton, he truly loved and cared about Marilyn and wanted her to be happy and come across as the best she could, the film made it look like he was nothing more than her drug pusher.
Overall the performances other than Michelle Williams, who, didn't do half bad, were pretty good, Branagh as Olivier was very good, but I would expect nothing less from him. Zoe Wannamaker as Paula Strasberg came across very well and at no point did Paula come across as the nightmare she has been made out to be, in fact she came across as genuinely loving and caring for Marilyn. Eddie Redmayne seemed suitable awed as Colin Clark and the beginning scenes of him waiting in Olivier's production office for a job were quite funny. I'm afraid Julia Ormond as Vivien Leigh didn't impress, just simply because she does not possess Leigh's presence and beauty. Judy Dench was lovely as Dame Sybil Thorndyke. But somehow all the way through the film all the cast went on about how wonderful MM was when in fact they hated working with her - perhaps in real life those people (Dame Sybil excluded) were as two faced as they appear in the film.
I took a friend who doesn't know much about Marilyn, and it's interesting to note his reaction, on leaving the cinema he felt that Marilyn came across as a diva who was very up herself and not very talented, and it left him feeling disappointed in Marilyn, and he didn't really like her or her acting, whereas to me she came across as the vulnerable, insecure person that she really was, maybe it's because he doesn't know the full story of her life and maybe this is the problem with the film. For people who don't know much about Marilyn, who haven't read about her as much as her fans, this very small slice of her life that the film is set around is taken out of context of the full story, while those of us who know her life story - all the different versions - can put the film in perspective, those who don't may well go away feeling that the Marilyn of My Week With Marilyn - is the real Marilyn.
And that is doing the true Marilyn Monroe as dis-service.
I will surprisingly give the last word to Sir Laurence Olivier:
'I was as good as I could be and Marilyn? Marilyn was wonderful!'
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Nancy Drew and the case of the missing camera....
Okay not so much Nancy Drew as well, yours, truly. Ever since I moved house in August my compact camera has been MIA - don't know where it is - I know I packed it in a box - along with everything else that was just sitting happily on the coffee table, but which box I don't know - truth is I've been through pretty much all the boxes and I can't find it.
Oh my I've just had a dreadful thought - what if it's gone on holiday with out me????
I'm here in Wales slaving away at my 9-5 desperately saving pennies to buy said compact camera a new battery and it's off jetting around the world with out me!
You would think in the 3 months it's been away it would at least have the decency to at least send me a postcard - but oh no Nothing! Nada! Zip!
What if it falls in love with a new camera case while it's on holiday and never comes home?? It's old case will be heartbroken - truth is the old case has been looking the worse for wear since it jumped in the mud at the Celtic Blue Rock festival 3 years ago, but it's been so loyal. And now it's pining away.
So all I can say is if you are out there reading this, my little Canon Ixus - please come home, we miss you so much, or just call and let us know that you are well.
Oh and if you're anywhere really nice - bring me back a fridge magnet!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Lazy Sunday afternoon...
...after a crazy evening yesterday - and by that I don't mean out on the lash - oh no. I'm sitting at my computer last night around 8.30, minding my own business playing games on Facebook, when I get a call from one of my best friends, who has recently split up with their partner.
'I need a massive favour - I'm 7 miles outside of Newpot on the Monmouth road and I've run out of petrol - can you bring me some' Now some of you who know me are aware that when I'm home doing my thing it takes something like a nuclear war to get me to leave the warmth of my living room - especially on bonfire night.
But I couldn't just leave them stranded - so of I went to the garage to get some petrol and then on to the Monmouth road - anyone who knows that stretch of road a will know that once you're on it - it's a good 10 miles or more before the first turn off.
Anyway I reach the section where my friend is - although it's dark, he's got his hazards on - so knowing I can't turn round at that point I toot my horn so he knows I'm nearly there - and carry on for a bit longer.
Anyway we put the petrol in the car - and - nothing car won't start.
He's managed to run the battery flat as well.
Thank God for Jump leads and the fact that I have a set in my boot.
Problem - I've never used them - and nor has he..
So not wanting to make a terrible mistake and put them on the wrong points I do what every girl does in her time of need....
...... I called my Dad.
Anyway a few minutes later and we've got the leads attached - my engine is running - and hooray - we get the other car started.
Phew anyway this whole episode took about 2 hours and it was gone 11 before I got home for a well deserved glass of wine...
And as for the lazy Sunday afternoon - well I was lying as I have been re-arranging my living room - and tidying it up.
Oh and back to work tomorrow.
Did we just have a weekend - because I think I missed it!!!
Saturday, 29 October 2011
I need to tidy my desk
Blogging is a hard job when the desk is a mess. I'm going to have to sort the below mess out soon otherwise I will never get to blog again..
I'd better get on with it otherwise I will never get to work on the photos I took last weekend at St Fagan's and soon won't be able to find the keyboard and be able to blog.
Anyway I'm off to fill up that mug with tea and start on the desk
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Need to save money... pay for next years holiday - basically I can't really do much for the foreseeable future because I just booked a stay a the Hollywood Celebrity Hotel next August for the Marilyn Memorial - it's 50 years since she died next year so I have to go - I have no choice - it's the law I'm afraid. So other than wondering how I'm going to pay for it - I don't have to do that until I'm actually there - phew - I also have to book the flight - more money -but it will be worth it.
So am I going o be staying in every night never to go out on the weekends? Of course not but I will be doing cheap or free things.
Tomorrow - weather permitting I'm going to St Fagan's which is a free attraction near Cardiff. It's a National History Museum set in 100 acres of land - and it's totally free - excpet for the parking - and the gift shop, cafe etc.
But other than a postcard I probably won't buy anything - and it gives me a chance to get out and take some photos for my photo blog.
So a cheap day out and photos too.
Can't wait.
Wonder how long it will take me to get them sorted and on the blog????
Sunday, 16 October 2011
A trip to the American Museum in Claverton Down....
Just got back from another visit to the Marilyn exhibition that is on at the moment -the photos were taken on the first trip back in May when I went with a group of MM fans. Today it was just myself and my friend Dawn and this time we actually really studied the costumes. You're not really supposed to take photos but we managed it - this time I didn't bother I just spent time looking at the detail in the costumes.
Another wonderful day in the Marilyn world
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
From my least favorite thing....
To my favorite thing...
Which is having my haircut - yes after the internet ordering fiasco of the other day, it was time to do something from the other side of the coin - have my hair cut.
I love having my hair cut - when I was young I wanted to be a movie star (who doesn't?) but not because I wanted the money or fame but because if I was famous I could have my hair done professionally -EVERY DAY. Yes that is my secret wish - to have my hair done my a stylist every day.
But as I am not famous I will just have to settle for having it done every now and then - ah well that's life
Sunday, 9 October 2011
I hate ordering online
Okay it's convenient I know - BUT - my bank security questions always get me locked out 'please enter the 4th, 5th, and 10th letter of your memorable word' I do this, I know that I'm putting in the right letters - but oh no I get locked out. So, then I have to do the most dreaded thing that there is in the world. I have to Phone the bank. Now you might think this isn't too bad, but it's horrible and why? Because you have to deal with the automated service that asks you more security questions.
Now I'm all for security and I'm glad they have it in place - but I really hate it. I hate making phone calls at the best of times but I really hate to phone "The Bank". Why you might ask. I mean it's not as id I'm overdrawn, in fact I know that right now my balance is pretty healthy, but I still squirm at the thought of calling them.
And it's not just "The Bank". Oh no it's "The Gas Company" "The Electric Company" (okay so the gas and the electric are them same people but that's not the point. There's also "The Satellite TV Company" and "The Water Company".
It's not just me though my Dad hates talking on the phone as well - I'm okay if it's a chat with a friend - a good gossip about who's most likely to win X factor (Not that I watch it but you get the point) but anything official and I collapse into a heap sobbing uncontrollably. I don't know why it's not normal, it's a bit silly, but it's me.
So anyway I managed to finally order the bookcases I wanted by paying by Paypal - oh yes! "All Hail Paypal".
So now bookcases are sorted I guess I better go phone the bank and get the card unlocked for online ordering - or maybe I'll just leave it until next time I need to order something off the internet.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
I love to 'Google....'
..... myself.
Yes I know it's silly and just a little bit on the vain side - but I do get a kick out of typing my name into Google and watching the results appear. Granted my name is quite uncommon, so chances are I'm going to be top of the list - but it does make me feel good.
Googles results for Andrea Pryke in Everything
Google results for Andrea Pryke in Images
It does make me smile - the top images are of my Travels blog - so how can I not get excited to see them available all over the world.
I wonder if this is what Andy Warhol meant with 15 minutes of fame - I'm loving it.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
On Thursday I jinxed myself
I was talking to my line manager at my new job about driving when I quite truthfully said I had never got a speeding ticket - she looked at me incredulously as I nodded my head and said it was true.
Well it WAS true.....
Until I got home and found one lying on my doormat - it had been delivered in the post that very day - I am gutted - because normally I am so careful when it comes to the speed limit that I am now kicking myself - but there we go I will be more careful about what I boast about in future.
Don't want to jinx myself again
Sunday, 25 September 2011
New Job Tomorrow
I know I have been very quiet lately - but I have been busy working and trying tosort out my house - yes I know but it's still not finished. ANyway tomorrow I start a new job and that's all I can say about it because it is top secret - okay okay, it's not really but I like to pretend it is - anyway the hours on the new job are far more regular with now weekends woohoo so I am hoping that my life and blogging can resume some kind of normality and if there's a little bit of nice weather about (chance would be a fine thing) I will be out with my camera again soon.
So just hold tight a little longer and things will be back to normal.
Oh and I bought some more clothes (no surprise there then)
Saturday, 10 September 2011
What to do on a Saturday night in
Friday, 9 September 2011
I'm Back...
...did you miss me?
Well finally I have my internet back up and running hooray - let's hope it's going to last - I don't trust technology to work for me you see so I have my doubts.
I'm in my new house - I've not finished yet - not by a long shot - but I am getting there and hopefully I will be posting photos soon. I still don't have a sofa and I still need some bookcases - but it won't be long I know now that I am getting there.
Now if only my p45 would turn up so I wouldn't be getting taxed to hell you see our wonderful Royal Mail or as Amber would call them Royal Fail has managed to lose my last payslip and my p45, according to the company I worked for they were sent out on 31st August but they seem to have vanished into thin air - and I am paying about £60 a week in tax - not good. Will have to ask the new company for a p46 on Monday - assuming I can get to the office to try and sort this nonsense out - honestly Royal Mail it's just not good enough.
Anyway enough ranting for one day I'm off to play sado games on Facebook - back soon
Friday, 26 August 2011
The Gang's All Here
The photo below was taken at our official finishing party - although we had a great time it was also very sad.
I have been very busy over the last two weeks with my new job and trying to sort out the new house - still have no phone or internet there at the moment - am using my parents mac to post this now.
Hopefully though the internet will be up and running shortly and normal service with be resumed.
Can't wait for everything to get back to normal and soon I will be able to post photos of my house now pretty much all the decorating is done.
I will return shortly.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Moved In
Well I am now in my new house.... And I can't move for all the crap that is everywhere, see the problem is I have so much stuff and no where to put it - now soon I will have money and I can buy things like new bookcases and a shed for the garden, new bedroom furniture and frankly I can't wait - it's so hard to find anything at the moment because of the lack of storage - oh yes and lack of time I started my new job properly last Monday and have hardly had time in the house. Next Friday I get paid - hooray and the week after that I get my redundancy payout (even better) then I can think about buying so storage solutions.
Oh and I have no internet at the moment - I am writing this on my Mum and Dad's Imac - hurry up Sky and get it back on for me - I hate not having access to the net at home.
Anyway hopefully things will get back to normal soon and I can get back to posting regularly.
Oh and for those expecting a post about clothes or shoes - I saw a lovely coat in Asda when I was there the other day - yes it's on my list of must buy items - watch this space.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Shoes are here
Well the shoes I ordered drom New Look are finally here - they arrived this afternoon - well technically they arrived on Tuesday but I was out so the delivery man absconded back to Cardiff with his precious cargo and kept them safe for me.
So this afternoon I am in the house, decorating and well just waiting for the delivery as I had arranged for it to come today - and it's getting later and later - and I have to get to the dentists, I was just about to give up on them for another day when the delivery man shouted thorugh the open window that he was here
OH joy.
Golly I was so excited I had been waiting for them since Friday, which is like forever where I come from and finally I had them in my hands - bliss
Anyway here they are
Aren't the gorgeous???? Heaven in a shoe
Shoes £19.99. from New Look
Monday, 8 August 2011
All hail the Vauxhall Astra
Well I have survived a week without a car and that my friends was 1 week too long - I am a nightmare when I have to rely on other people or even worse - the fiasco that is public transport (Shudders in horror).
But hooray this evening I got a car (woop woop) a Vauxhall Astra - a bit bigger than my last car and very nice to drive - and all I can say is - thank the car gods or rather Carl one of my dad's mates who also happens to be a mechanic. - Phew crisis averted I'm back on the road.
At least I can get around now - to work (when I start) and to my friends houses. It is such a relief and I am one happy blogger.
Oh and for those of you hoping for a blog featuring shoes I am expecting a rather gorgeous pair to arrive from New Look any day now - so will show you them when they arrive.
Until then I'm off for a drive around in my car - you wont be able to miss me I will be blasting the Saw Doctors from the stereo.
New Look,
The Saw Doctors,
Vauxhall Astra
Sunday, 7 August 2011
It's all over now
Yell Advisors hit the town
Well it's all over now - the last day has passed and now until I can finish my training I am technically unemployed - hopefully tomorrow I will get my car and I can call and arrange another day of training.
We did have a lovely night out in Newport even if it was a very sad occasion I am going to miss all the people in the photo above and many others who couldn't make the night out.
It was a pleasure to work with you - good luck and I hope we'll meet again. xxx
Thursday, 4 August 2011
The end is nigh
Well we are in to the last couple of days of work before we close, And while we can't wait to finish there is also that tinge of sadness creeping in as well. It will be very strange on Monday not coming into the office, not seeing the fabulous people I have been working with for the last 4 years.
It will be nice to start a whole new career, with new people, but it really is the end of an era, tomorrow - the last day I will have my camera on me and of course we are going out as well afterwards - so I will make sure I take lots of photos.
Also I will be getting a newish car soon as well I can't wait.
It will be nice to start a whole new career, with new people, but it really is the end of an era, tomorrow - the last day I will have my camera on me and of course we are going out as well afterwards - so I will make sure I take lots of photos.
Also I will be getting a newish car soon as well I can't wait.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
I just don't know how much more I can take
So far I have had the week from hell - and it's only Tuesday.
Yesterday I was on my way to work when my car broke down - so it's off road at the moment until I can get someone to look at it but chances are it's a goner.
And today my dad dropped me into work and as he was driving home up Dewsland Park Road some complete and utter dickhead who was driving far too fast in wet weather slammed into the side of him completely wtitting off his car completely - luckily he was okay - lucky for the other guy I wasn't in the car as well. 1. I probably would have been badly hurt and 2. I would have probably murdered him - no seriously after the last few weeks I really couldn't careless about what happens to be - frankly I've got nothing to lose. If a mugger came up to me and said 'give me your money or I'll kill you' i'd probably tell him to do it.
It's really been that bad - I keep thinking it can't get any worse - but guess what - it does!!!
Yesterday I was on my way to work when my car broke down - so it's off road at the moment until I can get someone to look at it but chances are it's a goner.
And today my dad dropped me into work and as he was driving home up Dewsland Park Road some complete and utter dickhead who was driving far too fast in wet weather slammed into the side of him completely wtitting off his car completely - luckily he was okay - lucky for the other guy I wasn't in the car as well. 1. I probably would have been badly hurt and 2. I would have probably murdered him - no seriously after the last few weeks I really couldn't careless about what happens to be - frankly I've got nothing to lose. If a mugger came up to me and said 'give me your money or I'll kill you' i'd probably tell him to do it.
It's really been that bad - I keep thinking it can't get any worse - but guess what - it does!!!
Friday, 29 July 2011
Clothes and More Clothes
Remember when I went shopping a couple of weeks ago and said I'd take a photo of myself in one of the dresses when I finally wore it - well this week I wore it - and below is a photo - now I hate having my picture taken because I always look so overweight in them (that's because I am overweight) but I set the camera up and took one anyway
Anyway today was payday so myself and my best friend Jayne went shopping - oh dear oh no - more clothes - all of them were in the sales though so at least I didn't spend to much I could have bought more but I still need curtain rails etc for the house and of course I need to pay the bills anyway I can hear you screaming at me 'Show us the clothes biatch' - so here they are.
Can't wait to wear the flowery skirt it's so girly I love it and the long skirt I might wear to the end of work party - unless I find something else first
I love shopping!!!
Monday, 25 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Tatton Hall Saturday Night
The Ghost Hunt at Tatton Hall in Cheshire was fabulous - although no spirits were seen we did have a few experiences which were really cool - mainly the human pendulum in the barn and one of my friends grandfathers making contact through the ouija board - giving out information only known to my friend. all in all it was a great night out and I can't wait for the next one we decide to go on - if you are interested we went with Dead Haunted check out there website by clicking the link to see for yourself
Thursday, 14 July 2011
My New House - pic heavy post
Well I got the keys for the house today - so when I went to check everything against the letting agents list I took some photos as it is at the moment - empty.
Here's the tour;
Front Hall
So that's it - very bare - very empty. As I decorated and fill each room I will post new photos and let you know what each room is especially with regards to the three bedrooms.
I really can't wait to get started on the decorating - but that will have to wait until I have steam Cleaned all the carpets.
Keep checking back for an update.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
I'm Moving
So Okay, remember last week I went to look at a house - well yesterday I had a early finish and went to my friends house for cheese on toast and while I was there I got a text to say said house was mine - woohoo.
So when I got home off I went to the letting agents with deposit and paid to hold my new home - anyway the upshot is I can have the keys and sign the lease (perhaps that should be the other way round), on Thursday afternoon.
Obvioulsy I am very excitied and I'm sure you have realised by now that in the next few weeks I am going to be boring you with tales of my decorating and moving experiences.This will be fun especially as I will have to do this while working my normal job and training for my new job - at least you will get some respite from me while I am waiting for Sky to move my package over to the new address.
But you don't get off that easy I can of course use my parents internet to keep you updated.
But it's going to be so nice to have a little garden I can sit in when the sun is shinning, though probably not this year, and more space, more space for books and Marilyn and welll books. Ooh and a spare room so I can have friends stay over - because contrary to popular belief I do actually have lots of friends, it's just that they live in ridiculously far away places like America, New Zealand and Brighton. (That;s Brighton in the UK)
So I can't wait, on Thursday , once I have the keys I will take some photos and post them on here and then as I decorate I will take new photos for you to see - like I said you will be bored. Of course there will be other things going on that I will tell you about - like Tatton Hall this weekend, but there will be a lot house stuff.
Anyway that's enough for now as I am about to go for break.
Laterz x.
So when I got home off I went to the letting agents with deposit and paid to hold my new home - anyway the upshot is I can have the keys and sign the lease (perhaps that should be the other way round), on Thursday afternoon.
Obvioulsy I am very excitied and I'm sure you have realised by now that in the next few weeks I am going to be boring you with tales of my decorating and moving experiences.This will be fun especially as I will have to do this while working my normal job and training for my new job - at least you will get some respite from me while I am waiting for Sky to move my package over to the new address.
But you don't get off that easy I can of course use my parents internet to keep you updated.
But it's going to be so nice to have a little garden I can sit in when the sun is shinning, though probably not this year, and more space, more space for books and Marilyn and welll books. Ooh and a spare room so I can have friends stay over - because contrary to popular belief I do actually have lots of friends, it's just that they live in ridiculously far away places like America, New Zealand and Brighton. (That;s Brighton in the UK)
So I can't wait, on Thursday , once I have the keys I will take some photos and post them on here and then as I decorate I will take new photos for you to see - like I said you will be bored. Of course there will be other things going on that I will tell you about - like Tatton Hall this weekend, but there will be a lot house stuff.
Anyway that's enough for now as I am about to go for break.
Laterz x.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Sunday in the....
.... office giving out phone numbers while playing movie hangman with the other advisors and readig Patricia Cornwall's Scarpetta - gosh isn't my life exciting.
At least when I finish I will be able to go and work on more of my holiday photos as the countdown to Tatton Hall ghost hunt is well and truly on.
The ghost hunt has been organised by Phil Whyman's company Dead Haunted Nights and the brilliant thing is that the man is going to be there himself - so Port Paranormal will be hanging out with the main man himself - it is going to be a great night and I can't wait for next Saturday when myself, Anthea, Danielle, Becky and co will rive to Cheshire to be scared witless.
This is the third hunt that Port Paranormal have been on but it's my first - I will be charging up the camera batteries on friday in readiness and look out for a full rudown on here Sunday afternoon.
At least when I finish I will be able to go and work on more of my holiday photos as the countdown to Tatton Hall ghost hunt is well and truly on.
The ghost hunt has been organised by Phil Whyman's company Dead Haunted Nights and the brilliant thing is that the man is going to be there himself - so Port Paranormal will be hanging out with the main man himself - it is going to be a great night and I can't wait for next Saturday when myself, Anthea, Danielle, Becky and co will rive to Cheshire to be scared witless.
This is the third hunt that Port Paranormal have been on but it's my first - I will be charging up the camera batteries on friday in readiness and look out for a full rudown on here Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Working Working Working
All I seem to be doing this week is working - either at the job or training for the new job which starts in a month or on the photos which I took while on holiday in France - working tomorrow as well - not good.
I really need to get all the photos done by next weekend as I am off to Tatton Hall ghost hunting with the Port Paranormal crew - more on that after the event. So I really need to get a wriggle on.
And if that isn't enough I went to look at a house to rent the other day - so with any luck soon I will be moving - so there will be all that and decorating to add to everything else I have to do.
Well can't hang around here spouting flapdoodle must get on.
I really need to get all the photos done by next weekend as I am off to Tatton Hall ghost hunting with the Port Paranormal crew - more on that after the event. So I really need to get a wriggle on.
And if that isn't enough I went to look at a house to rent the other day - so with any luck soon I will be moving - so there will be all that and decorating to add to everything else I have to do.
Well can't hang around here spouting flapdoodle must get on.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
If it's not clothes it's books
Had to pop a prescription into the doctors surgery today and when I was there I had a quick look at the charity book sale and bought another four titles - I still haven't read 2 of the last 3 I bought but I know how quickly I can get through them.
But I must stop I am looking to move soon and if I do I will have to pack up my entire library and move it - something I am not looking forward to as that is going to take a long time, I am looking at a property tomorrow and if I get it I will be packing pretty much, well, now really.
Well I think I will carry on reading Patricia Cornwall's Scarpetta - then I can move on to another one - aww I'm just a book worm
Monday, 4 July 2011
My best fried is a bad influence on me
I might have to go back for another soon.
And I still have the £20 New Look voucher I was given for my birthday!
I love clothes
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Shopping - I finally bought some clothes...
... And not just socks and underwear.
Yesterday my friend and I went over to the retail park because she needed some new tops for work and generally for the summer (lets hope it's not already over) and of course how could I not buy something for myself.
Now I don't have a lot of spare money at the moment (make that none) but when we went into Asda living I was confronted with the sweetest little summer dresses - now generally I don't wear dresses unless it's for a party, but they were so adorable I couldn't resist. So I got the two above - a flowery one and the white one - now I just have to wear them - I will post a pic when I do.
I also bought the red buttonless cardigan above I love these for wearing over t-shirts when it's a bit chilly and I love red - it's my favorite colour and of course how could I resist The Wizard of Oz t-shirt below...
I hope to be going shopping again soon as there are so many pretty styles out there right now - even if like me you're not a size 6.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Yet more books
I really can't be trusted around books can I? I picked up these three paperbacks on the charity table of the Doctor Surgery this afternoon and I am looking forward to getting on with them - the problem is I am really running out of space to keep them - so I really am going to have to get a move on in sorting out the shed so I can store my books in plastic containers and stack them in shed - thereby freeing up space for lots more - when I pack them I might even make a list of them would be interesting to see how many non Marilyn books I have.
Hmm Might do that when I get a minute.
anyway I'm off to carry on the book which I started yesterday 'Copper Kiss' by Tom Neale.
Total number of competed books this year 54! Have set up a virtual book shelf with Goodreads and will post the link later.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Hello - have you missed me???
Well yes I've been on holiday for 2 weeks to not so sunny France - the first week was lovely but the second we had a fair bit of rain and on the Sunday we couldn't go out at all - which though frustrating really helped me up my book count for the year by 11! Yes I read 11 books in 2 weeks - I really need to get a life.
This week I've gone back to work and now am looking for a new job - more on that as and when.
I have over 500 holiday photos to work through - and other than get them, from the camera to the hard drive I haven't even thought about it - but I will get on with them when I have the time - Friday probably as it is my day off - but there are so many other things to do like well read more books.
Any way I'm really shattered at the moment - trying to get out of the holiday zone - so it's an early night for me. Night all..
P.S have been making a real effort to get up early and put on make up and nice clothes before work - maybe that's why I am so tired.....
This week I've gone back to work and now am looking for a new job - more on that as and when.
I have over 500 holiday photos to work through - and other than get them, from the camera to the hard drive I haven't even thought about it - but I will get on with them when I have the time - Friday probably as it is my day off - but there are so many other things to do like well read more books.
Any way I'm really shattered at the moment - trying to get out of the holiday zone - so it's an early night for me. Night all..
P.S have been making a real effort to get up early and put on make up and nice clothes before work - maybe that's why I am so tired.....
Friday, 27 May 2011
Totally Disorganised Night Out in Bristol
On Tuesday I went to Bristol to see Avenue Q with Matt - needless to say we had a great time and really enjoyed the show and being the two old hams that we are, we wished we were up on stage doing the show ourselves - but this blog isn't about the show oh no thsi is about what happened after the show when we realised we had no cash on us and we had to pay for the parking and the toll on the Severn Bridge - great - we really didn't think this out now did we - fortunately we had a little change on us and a tenner in the bank.
Now we had to find a bank.
Now you would think that finding a cash point in Bristol City Centre would be easy - not so - the first cash point only had £20, no good so off we went to find another one - fortunately the next one we found (which by the way was a good 5 minute walk away) had smaller notes in fact they gave us 2 £5 notes which is unusual.
Anyway off we toddled back to the car park on Trenchard Street - me dreading how much this was going to cost - in the end it was £2.50 phew that's a relief. The the bridge £5.70 - with the little bit of change we pooled together we had enought money to go to the 24 Tesco in Risca to buy some food - Pizza in fact 2 for £3.50 - we always get those, then it was back to the flat for food and another musical - yes we love our musicals, this time it was the DVD of Barnum starring the wonderful Michael Crawford - Matt doing his usual singing along with all the songs - I swear that man has a photographic memory!
And by the time that finished it was gone 2! So another late night then at least the next day was my day off so I didn't have to get up in the morning.
Great night even if Matt did take Barnum home with him the next day - so who knows when I will get that back!
At least I still have my Les Miserables and Into the Woods DVDs, still he does have my Chorus Line and Cats ones - hmm I wonder what I can get next on DVD that he will run off with - althought to be fair I do have quiet a lot of his stuff at mine especially his books.
Now we had to find a bank.
Now you would think that finding a cash point in Bristol City Centre would be easy - not so - the first cash point only had £20, no good so off we went to find another one - fortunately the next one we found (which by the way was a good 5 minute walk away) had smaller notes in fact they gave us 2 £5 notes which is unusual.
Anyway off we toddled back to the car park on Trenchard Street - me dreading how much this was going to cost - in the end it was £2.50 phew that's a relief. The the bridge £5.70 - with the little bit of change we pooled together we had enought money to go to the 24 Tesco in Risca to buy some food - Pizza in fact 2 for £3.50 - we always get those, then it was back to the flat for food and another musical - yes we love our musicals, this time it was the DVD of Barnum starring the wonderful Michael Crawford - Matt doing his usual singing along with all the songs - I swear that man has a photographic memory!
And by the time that finished it was gone 2! So another late night then at least the next day was my day off so I didn't have to get up in the morning.
Great night even if Matt did take Barnum home with him the next day - so who knows when I will get that back!
At least I still have my Les Miserables and Into the Woods DVDs, still he does have my Chorus Line and Cats ones - hmm I wonder what I can get next on DVD that he will run off with - althought to be fair I do have quiet a lot of his stuff at mine especially his books.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
The trouble with Internet Explorer
For the last 24 hours I have had trouble logging into Blogger via Internet Explorer - I'm sure it's something simple, probably involving cookies or something - but to me cookies are something you eat - so not being technical I downloaded Mozilla Firefox to see if that would solve the problem - and it did.
This post is something of a test as this morning in the office I had the same problem trying to post a comment. Every time I hit the post button it refered me to the sign in page even though I had already signed in. I mean come - what's that about?
Course as I don't know if I can actually post this blog until I try - my typing this in between calls might be a complete waste of time.
Shall we find out??
woohooo it worked - but signed me out again
This post is something of a test as this morning in the office I had the same problem trying to post a comment. Every time I hit the post button it refered me to the sign in page even though I had already signed in. I mean come - what's that about?
Course as I don't know if I can actually post this blog until I try - my typing this in between calls might be a complete waste of time.
Shall we find out??
woohooo it worked - but signed me out again
Monday, 16 May 2011
Bored - at work
I am sitting in the office taking calls and I am sitting here looking out of the window at the grey skies and I am bnored - even though it's quite chilly and grim outside - I would rather be out there wandering around with my camera than sitting in here. Which is great - in a way - because I haven't felt like that for a while and to be honest I think my camera is feeling rather unloved and neglected.
Saying that on Saturday it did get to stretch it's zoom and open it's shutter a bit at the American Museum in Bath for the Marilyn Monroe exhibition that is currently on there. But over all my baby is feeling rather sorry for itself - so I'm going to try and be a bit nicer to my Canon and start taking it on dates a bit more often - in fact as long as the heavens don't open and drench Risca we will be going on a walk together alon the canal.
And there is a good chance that it will happen because I have run out of Jackie Collins books to read - by no means have I read every book she ha ever written, but all the ones that Matthew has brought me I have finished - he does have more but he has to find them - oh and he has brought me other books to read but I will save them for bed time - but the walk is on - watch this space.
Saying that on Saturday it did get to stretch it's zoom and open it's shutter a bit at the American Museum in Bath for the Marilyn Monroe exhibition that is currently on there. But over all my baby is feeling rather sorry for itself - so I'm going to try and be a bit nicer to my Canon and start taking it on dates a bit more often - in fact as long as the heavens don't open and drench Risca we will be going on a walk together alon the canal.
And there is a good chance that it will happen because I have run out of Jackie Collins books to read - by no means have I read every book she ha ever written, but all the ones that Matthew has brought me I have finished - he does have more but he has to find them - oh and he has brought me other books to read but I will save them for bed time - but the walk is on - watch this space.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
The Great Clear-out 2011
You remember a while back I cleared out my make-up drawer? Well that was the first part in my major clear out and decluttering the flat mood that I am currently in. See the problem is that I am a hoarder, this is true I am not ashamed of the fact - I have clothes I haven't worn in 10 years or more - books that haven't been read for the same amount of time and lots lots more.
The problem is that I am very sentimental I should have underlined the very.
Andy today I needed to get my suitcase out of the shed (hols soon), yes I have a shed and as you can see it totally full of well - crap I guess
But the problem doesn't end there does it Andrea??? Oh no in my kitchen I have a cupboard full of DVDs, Playstation Games and Video Cassettes - oh yes videos those old hulking things we used to watch before someone had the good sense to invent DVD and blue-ray. And guess what I never watch them. Not because they are videos but because it means pulling the TV out to swap the cables around, and well I'm just too lazy - but can I throw the tapes out - no! and why not? Because I might want to watch it in the future! Now I hear you cry why don't you replace them with new DVD versions, and I would love to but a) I am not made of money if I ever win the lottery that would be a different story and b) because a lot of the films I have on video are only available on DVD in America - yes I know I could get a multi-region DVD player and once I sort out a new job and get on top of everything I will definitely do that, but until then I can't bear the thought of throwing away all those old movies it took me years to find.
Perhaps if I play the cassettes and the quality is bad I would be able to chuck them - hmmmm classic Hollywood Movie Fest anyone????
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Sunday Evening
I usually spend Sunday evening with my boyfriend - we have laugh, drink wine, and watch movies - however, he is still ill so I am relegated to spending the evening alone.
I thought I would pop into Spar and buy a bar of chocolate and as I entered I was greeted with this beauty
Hmmm an lovely evening alone - I'd prefer it if my boyfriend was feeling better and was with me though - oh well hopefully next week
Saturday, 7 May 2011
It's been a little bit quiet here for one reason - Jackie Collins - yes I have finally succumbed to reading as many Jackie Collins novels as I can, thanks to the bf (who is ill at the mo - get well soon huni). I had never read one of her novels til recently and then Matt said that he would bring me some over as he is a big fan of hers and so far I have read The world is full of married men, Hollywood Wives, Hollywood Kids, Rock Star, Chances, Hollywood Wives the next generation and Hollywood Divorces and I have just started Lovers & Players - so as you can guess I am enjoying them after this one there are still 20 to go and I am looking forward to them.
Total number of new books read this year so far is 31.
Long way to go
Friday, 29 April 2011
Royal Wedding
Needless to say all the talk today has been about the Royal Wedding - and what a lovely wedding it was Kate looked gorgeous in her Alexander McQueen dress, which was not the usual frilly concoction but a rather understated Grace Kellyesque lace dress with short train and veil
I truly hope that Catherine and William will be very happy in their life together.
Diana would have been so proud of him today

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge
Monday, 18 April 2011
The great make-up clear out of 2011
which was proceeded by the great college work clear out ( I left college in 1996 and have just got round to it ok so I'm a bit sentimental) and the great knicker clear out ( no pictures of that here, urgh too gross).
Anyway - make-up yes like clothes and shoes I love make-up - amazing as I don't wear much of it these days - well, my make-up drawer was so full of make-up you could have made up the entire cast of Cats for it's complete West End run and some of it is so old it was discontinued when Mary and Joseph got together - so today when I got home I decided to Clear Out The Drawer. As you can see from the picture below it was a bit excessive.
Anyway after delving through lipsticks that haven't seen the light of day since the 1980s the drawer is much emptier (at the moment) and although I seemed to throw out tons of lipsticks I still seem to have 40 or so - yet only one pair of lips -something is going on here that is slightly worrying.
Making an effort day 1 - Fail
Or was it
I didn't get up and put my 'face' on today, but after the horrific week I had last week I was just grateful I managed to get up and drive in to the office at all - I didn't think I would make it - OK I was only there 10 minutes before I got a unpaid early finish. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and take some calls - oh and make an effort obviously might be hard though if the bf stays over tonight xxx
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Clothes, Shoes and Lazyness
OK I love clothes, as far as I'm concerned you - meaning I, can't have enough of them - in fact I have two wardrobes and countless drawers, bags and suitcases full - clothes I wear (wardrobe and drawers) clothes that are too small - yes once I was a size 12 (sigh) (in bin bag and suitcases) and clothes that are too big for me - once I was a size 20 - (in bin bags) - now I have settled into a 16/18 size and frankly I hate it yet I'm lucky in that the fat doesn't sit in once place but has evenly distributed itself all over my body - but still shopping at River Island is not going to happen to me again (saying that I don't need to shop in the bigger stores like Evans either) but tend to stick with George at Asda, New Look and Primark.
But for all the lovely clothes I have a very seldom wear them - why - because I am too lazy to get up early in the morning, style my hair, put on make up and wear nice clothes - to work at the moment it's flat shoes black trousers and a work polo shirt - Lazy you see. And when I'm at home or just wandering around the shops I wearing joggers and a T-shirt - comfy but not exactly sexy. I only really dress up for parties and dates with my fab boyfriend.
Something has to give especially now I have discovered Amber and the wonderful Shoeperwoman site - she has inspired me to start making an effort - I used to when I was in college I would always go in looking like I'd stepped out of a photo shoot - well for the first year at least
(Also with help from my friend Alex who is amazing with a pair of tweezers and eyebrows that appear to have a life of their own)
I am going to a party next weekend - my friends engagement party - I will be there having fun, taking official engagement pictures (This is gonna be bigger that William and Kate) and I will be looking damn sexy - all I need is a gorgeous bag to match my red dress and sparkly shoes - hmm ebay hereI come - or maybe I will just pop into town.
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