Friday 27 May 2011

Totally Disorganised Night Out in Bristol

On Tuesday I went to Bristol to see Avenue Q with Matt - needless to say we had a great time and really enjoyed the show and being the two old hams that we are, we wished we were up on stage doing the show ourselves - but this blog isn't about the show oh no thsi is about what happened after the show when we realised we had no cash on us and we had to pay for the parking and the toll on the Severn Bridge - great - we really didn't think this out now did we - fortunately we had a little change on us and a tenner in the bank.

Now we had to find a bank.

Now you would think that finding a cash point in Bristol City Centre would be easy - not so - the first cash point only had £20, no good so off we went to find another one - fortunately the next one we found (which by the way was a good 5 minute walk away) had smaller notes in fact they gave us 2 £5 notes which is unusual.

Anyway off we toddled back to the car park on Trenchard Street - me dreading how much this was going to cost - in the end it was £2.50 phew that's a relief. The the bridge £5.70 - with the little bit of change we pooled together we had enought money to go to the 24 Tesco in Risca to buy some food - Pizza in fact 2 for £3.50 - we always get those, then it was back to the flat for food and another musical - yes we love our musicals, this time it was the DVD of Barnum starring the wonderful Michael Crawford - Matt doing his usual singing along with all the songs - I swear that man has a photographic memory!

And by the time that finished it was gone 2! So another late night then at least the next day was my day off so I didn't have to get up in the morning.

Great night even if Matt did take Barnum home with him the next day - so who knows when I will get that back!

At least I still have my Les Miserables and Into the Woods DVDs, still he does have my Chorus Line and Cats ones - hmm I wonder what I can get next on DVD that he will run off with - althought to be fair I do have quiet a lot of his stuff at mine especially his books.

Thursday 26 May 2011

The trouble with Internet Explorer

For the last 24 hours I have had trouble logging into Blogger via Internet Explorer - I'm sure it's something simple, probably involving cookies or something - but to me cookies are something you eat - so not being technical I downloaded Mozilla Firefox to see if that would solve the problem - and it did.
This post is something of a test as this morning in the office I had the same problem trying to post a comment. Every time I hit the post button it refered me to the sign in page even though I had already signed in. I mean come - what's that about?
Course as I don't know if I can actually post this blog until I try - my typing this in between calls might be a complete waste of time.

Shall we find out??

woohooo it worked - but signed me out again

Monday 16 May 2011

Bored - at work

I am sitting in the office taking calls and I am sitting here looking out of the window at the grey skies and I am bnored - even though it's quite chilly and grim outside - I would rather be out there wandering around with my camera than sitting in here. Which is great - in a way - because I haven't felt like that for a while and to be honest I think my camera is feeling rather unloved and neglected.
Saying that on Saturday it did get to stretch it's zoom and open it's shutter a bit at the American Museum in Bath for the Marilyn Monroe exhibition that is currently on there. But over all my baby is feeling rather sorry for itself - so I'm going to try and be a bit nicer to my Canon and start taking it on dates a bit more often - in fact as long as the heavens don't open and drench Risca we will be going on a walk together alon the canal.
And there is a good chance that it will happen because I have run out of Jackie Collins books to read - by no means have I read every book she ha ever written, but all the ones that Matthew has brought me I have finished - he does have more but he has to find them - oh and he has brought me other books to read but I will save them for bed time - but the walk is on - watch this space.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Great Clear-out 2011

You remember a while back I cleared out my make-up drawer? Well that was the first part in my major clear out and decluttering the flat mood that I am currently in. See the problem is that I am a hoarder, this is true I am not ashamed of the fact - I have clothes I haven't worn in 10 years or more - books that haven't been read for the same amount of time and lots lots more.
The problem is that I am very sentimental I should have underlined the very.
Andy today I needed to get my suitcase out of the shed (hols soon), yes I have a shed and as you can see it totally full of well - crap I guess

The cardboard boxes at the top are boxes that my Marilyn Monroe dolls came in - those I keep in case I need to sell the dolls - it's everything else that's a problem - today I threw out a bin bag full of stuff I am never going to use again and the shed is still full - but I know some boxes in there only have one or two items in - so I need to try and consolidate it into one box instead of two or even throw more stuff away - which I would be happy to do if I could. The problem is I have already nearly filled my bin and the refuse collectors only come every other Friday and guess what - it's not this Friday - so I am kind of stuck until then. But I really want to get on and get it sorted - I know there is a box of books in there somewhere as well as a monopod - god knows what eles is lurking in there, for all I know Lord Lucan could be skulking away behind my spare suitcase and a load of old folders.

But the problem doesn't end there does it Andrea??? Oh no in my kitchen I have a cupboard full of DVDs, Playstation Games and Video Cassettes - oh yes videos those old hulking things we used to watch before someone had the good sense to invent DVD and blue-ray. And guess what I never watch them. Not because they are videos but because it means pulling the TV out to swap the cables around, and well I'm just too lazy - but can I throw the tapes out - no! and why not? Because I might want to watch it in the future! Now I hear you cry why don't you replace them with new DVD versions, and I would love to but a) I am not made of money if I ever win the lottery that would be a different story and b) because a lot of the films I have on video are only available on DVD in America - yes I know I could get a multi-region DVD player and once I sort out a new job and get on top of everything I will definitely do that, but until then I can't bear the thought of throwing away all those old movies it took me years to find.

Perhaps if I play the cassettes and the quality is bad I would be able to chuck them - hmmmm classic Hollywood Movie Fest anyone????

Sunday 8 May 2011

Sunday Evening

I usually spend Sunday evening with my boyfriend - we have laugh, drink wine, and watch movies - however, he is still ill so I am relegated to spending the evening alone.
I thought I would pop into Spar and buy a bar of chocolate and as I entered I was greeted with this beauty

A big bar of galaxy,mmmm. The remote control is there just to give you an idea of the size - so tonight I'm going to forgo the glass of wine (probably) and have a cuppa with this choccy friend of mine and I'm also going to watch Sherlock Holmes (the Guy Ritchie version) which has been lurking around the flat since just after Chrsitmas.

Hmmm an lovely evening alone - I'd prefer it if my boyfriend was feeling better and was with me though - oh well hopefully next week

Saturday 7 May 2011

It's been a little bit quiet here for one reason - Jackie Collins - yes I have finally succumbed to reading as many Jackie Collins novels as I can, thanks to the bf (who is ill at the mo - get well soon huni). I had never read one of her novels til recently and then Matt said that he would bring me some over as he is a big fan of hers and so far I have read The world is full of married men, Hollywood Wives, Hollywood Kids, Rock Star, Chances, Hollywood Wives the next generation and Hollywood Divorces and I have just started Lovers & Players - so as you can guess I am enjoying them after this one there are still 20 to go and I am looking forward to them.

Total number of new books read this year so far is 31.

Long way to go